Sandstorm strikes again, Power- Solution appeals: Environmental protection starts with you and me

The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow dust storm warning on the 15th. According to reports, this is also the most intense sandstorm process in my country in the past decade, and the range of sandstorms is also the widest in the past decade.

Turning on the phone, a “sandstorm” also blew up in the Wechat moments. Friends from the north ridiculed “I can finally eat soil today”, “All those who dare to go out today are true love” and “Bring their own old photo filters.”

Environmental protection starts with you and me

Although what everyone said is a joke, the sandstorm hit again and we have to realize: “Environmental protection has not yet succeeded, and we still need to work hard.” Power-Solution appeals to everyone: In fact, it is not difficult to protect the environment. Start with you and me.

Save water

Water is the source of life. Although my country’s total water resources are among the top in the world, the per capita water resources are only 1/4 of the world average. Remember to turn off the faucet tightly after using up the water. You can also mop the floor or water the flowers with the rice washing water. We need to reuse water resources and reduce water waste.


Garbage classification

Raise environmental awareness and enhance the concept of garbage classification, so that while reducing pollution, it can reuse the residual value of items. Promote waste classification and environmental protection knowledge, and let the concept of “green, low-carbon, and environmental protection” take root in the hearts of the people.


Save electricity

When the appliance is not in use, it can be unplugged to reduce power consumption. Secondly, you can buy low-energy-consumption electrical appliances to reduce electricity consumption, and you can also use solar products to charge and generate electricity, which is more green and environmentally friendly.


In addition to basic lighting functions, Power-Solution solar light products also have mobile phone charging functions and radio functions. Some solar lights can be used as household light bulbs when they are disassembled. And the charging method is solar charging, which is environmentally friendly and has zero electricity bills.


Low-carbon life

The outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan takes the ecological environment, such as carbon emissions and carbon neutrality, as binding indicators. China will reach its carbon peak in 2030 and achieve its goal of carbon neutrality in 2060. The achievement of carbon peaks and carbon neutral goals is closely related to each of us. Ride more buses, ride green, plant trees, use less plastic bags, etc… We can all contribute to the energy-saving and emission-reduction of life.


By the end of 2020, Power-Solution has provided solar lighting products to 5.44 million poor families from 66 countries, benefiting more than 38 million people, and helping to prevent more than 27,000 infants from being infected by inhaling harmful gases emitted by candles and kerosene lamps. Respiratory diseases and even death; accumulated 47 million kilowatt-hours of electricity for extremely poor families, saving 80.34 million yuan in living electricity expenses; accumulated reduction of 4.24 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions, contributing to the goal of carbon neutrality.

Environmental protection starts with you and me. In the future,Power-Solution will continue to contribute to low-carbon emission reduction, accelerate the development and utilization of clean energy, improve the quality of solar products, accelerate the promotion of “carbon peak and carbon neutral” work, look forward to green mountains and rivers, and realize social green development faster and better .